Political Discourse Club

Civil political, philosophical, and ideological discussions.

Rony Henry

Pictured: Nicholas Hardy, Logan Walters, John Mueger, Paul Murnaghan, Logan Hunt, Zachary Thomas. Members pose after a discussion about Republican Rick Scott’s 11 Point Plan.

Rony Henry, Staff Writer

As advertised on WRSN, if you are “interested in sharing your political opinions in a civil and organized environment [and] want to hear different arguments and perspectives from all positions,” you should join the Political Discourse Club. 

Nicholas Hardy and his friends, Logan Walters and Jaden Mendiondo-Barrio created this club around the beginning of the school year. Political Discourse meetings are held during lunch in room 3-307. Initially, one would be confused after reading the advertisement for the club, because it sounds like Debate, but, “the idea around the club stemmed from me and Logan’s experience in Debate during freshman year,” Hardy said.

Debate and the Political Discourse Club are clearly different: “Debate was very structured and you were mostly assigned topics to speak on. The topics were relevant and we both truly enjoyed them, but, personally, did not enjoy the structure in Debate,” Hardy continued.

Hardy said he believes the Political Discourse Club is more relaxed: “We all have an interest in politics and thought many who did not want to fully invest in the nuances of debate at Suncoast, but who still wanted a civil platform to commune their opinions could visit and share their ideas or even sit and learn.”

John Cimballa said one of his favorite aspects of the club is that, “Students within it care about it and try to spread the word that it exists. It shows they actually enjoy the club and they aren not just there to kill time.”

Hardy also said he believes the Political Discourse Club has achieved part of its goal: “We have helped to connect a diverse group of folks from around Suncoast to share their views and learn from one another. We have also spoken on some of the most fascinating and relevant topics for most students. I find myself learning new things with each meeting. We hope we can reach new members and expand our club to educate and debate with more of our fellow peers.”

Now, what is typically discussed in the Political Discourse Club? 

Hardy said, “We have a very diverse set of club topics. One day, we may discuss a bill that seeks to install cameras within all Florida schools, the next meeting may pertain to the independence of one country from another. Since we go off of a more relaxed itinerary, we designed our club to be flexible. We may speak on the same, or similar, topics for two or three meetings at a time until the club is content with the debate. Other times we may make a quick decision to discuss more current events if something important occurs. Our discussions are ever changing, but always relevant and important.”

Hardy said, “Hopefully those who are reading this attempt to seek out the club. Even attend one meeting to quietly listen. At the very least, you leave with new knowledge and perspectives, but you may also leave with some passion to learn more and give your side in the debate.” 

One may be too nervous to actually participate in discussions, but if you at least listen to Political Discourse members discuss, you would benefit greatly from receiving new knowledge and perspectives relating to politics.