It is important to stay calm during these uncertain times.
December 17, 2020
Since March, students have been forced to sit at home and wonder the fate of their education. The unpredictability of COVID-19 has made it impossible to know when a vaccine will be made and when life can return to the way it used to be. However, the Palm Beach County School District opened up schools’ doors and has allowed students and their parents to choose if either virtual or in-person school is their best option. Whether or not students are physically at school, the uncertainty of the Coronavirus has filled many with anxiety. Even though the near future is unclear, however, it is important to understand that staying calm is the key to success, and it is imperative that everyone, not just students, know that.
“It’s important that we try to stay calm during these trying times. We’ll still have each other in the end,” junior Chris Sosa said. Sosa made the brave decision to return to live school on Sept. 21, along with over 300 other students. “I do [worry about getting the virus], not as much as some other people, but [I do],” Sosa said.
To some, staying calm comes naturally. However, others may find it more challenging to achieve inner peace. Finding the calm within the storm can be difficult, but there are many ways one can do this:
It is important that one understands that everything, including the Coronavirus, comes to an end eventually. This strange period of time is only temporary, and understanding that will help in staying calm. Additionally, it is important that one educates themselves on the Coronavirus and current efforts to create a vaccine. Credible, unbiased sources like The Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal are perfect places to obtain pertinent information on COVID-19 what is being done to stop it. If one is not educated with accurate information, it may be difficult for them to stay calm, so understanding relevant facts about the virus is very important.
Taking on a new sport, hobby or other activity can help reduce stress and help one stay calm. “Over the summer, I decided to do more drawing to help take my mind off of everything going on around me,” sophomore Ty Mortman said. Activities like art and music can be prime destressors in the attempt to stay calm.
Social Engagement
Even though it is important to socially distance and stay safe around others, engaging with friends and family is a great way to stay calm and destress. If one is stuck at home, he can ask his family members to play games, watch television, or simply converse with him.
During these uncertain times, it is important to focus on the bigger picture. The time will come when we can finally come together without our health at risk, but for now, safety should be the primary objective. Do not do anything that may compromise safety. Not being able to see friends now will change eventually, and a safe life is better than a social life.