The Student Newspaper of Suncoast High School

Getting Back in the Game

Nothing can stop him from playing his dream sport.

March 10, 2020

Overly excited to have gotten over his injury, freshman point guard Gerardo Ortiz has officially been cleared to play with the varsity basketball team. 

Ortiz, only 15 years old, has been playing basketball since he was 3. He’s played for many local travel teams and on a school basketball team throughout middle school. He won many awards pertaining to this sport such as most improved, most valuable player, and player of the tournament. Since he has had wonderful seasons in the past, Ortiz never thought he would be sitting on the sidelines because of an injury. 

“I injured something in my knee, which caused my bones to be out of place.” 

During the middle of a travel team game, Ortiz was injured by landing on his knee incorrectly. He stated that he stood up and “felt something out of place” so he “pushed it back into his knee.” The fall caused a terrible lesion (a tear or fracture in the cartilage covering one of the bones in a joint) in his knee. After many doctors visits, physical therapy sessions, and having surgery performed Ortiz has made a wonderful recovery and is ready to get back into playing the sport that he loves.

 “I feel amazing…feel like crying ‘cause I can play now.” 

After not being able to play basketball for five months, Ortiz is trying hard to get back on his feet. He has returned to practicing with his team and is even working hard to lose the extra weight gained from his recovery. He is determined to bring “fire to the team” and show people that he is good enough for varsity.

 “Oh a very good player; for a freshman? His skill set is just very good,” junior William Wells said. 

Many of his teammates are very excited that they get another player on the court to help them out. They think of Ortiz as a cool person and believe that with his help they may be able to play better and possibly win more games. 

“I am excited for him because it’s hard for any player that loves the game of basketball to have to sit out,” said Coach Jason Powell. 

Not only is his support system excited for him to start playing again, but they are also ready to help encourage Ortiz as he begins to get into the game. Between his coach and teammates helping him out on the court and family and friends motivating him, he is bound to get back into his basketball “groove.” “I mean…they are all pretty much a good group of guys,” Ortiz said. Besides playing the sport itself, Ortiz enjoys being with the team and spending time with them. He thinks the team can be funny at times and is pretty cool all together without any problematic issues.

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